by grip-on | Mar 15, 2023
WELDING TOOLS Welding Locking Pliers Essential KIT2 WELDING ELEMENTS Tool Features: Although it is a KIT created for welding, the same KIT is used on woodworking tables in carpentry. The KIT contains a total of 14 units of Locking Pliers & Clamps. 224-12 CClamp,...
by grip-on | Mar 15, 2023
WELDING TOOLS Welding Locking Pliers Essential KIT3 WELDING ELEMENTS Tool Features: Although it is a KIT created for welding, the same KIT is used on woodworking tables in carpentry. The KIT contains 1 unit of each Grip Clamp. 224-12 CClamp, ideal for parallel...
by grip-on | Mar 15, 2023
welding Tools Welding Locking Pliers Essential KIT4 WELDING ELEMENTS Tool Features: Although it is a KIT created for welding, the same KIT is used on woodworking tables in carpentry. The KIT contains a total of 12 units of Clamps. 224-12 CClamp, ideal for parallel...