Epoxy resin is 20 times more corrosion-resistant than nickel pliers
PIONEER and UNIQUE Manufacturer in the World
The spreading of rust is much quicker below nickel-plated surfaces than epoxy-painted surfaces.
Using epoxy resin in the manufacture of our locking tools is far more environmentally friendly than nickel or chrome. Esto está en consonancia con la prestigiosa norma ISO 14000 que instiga, entre otras cosas, el uso de agentes no contaminantes.Corrosion Nickel Tool Epoxy Top Gripon
An epoxy-painted finish provides greater electrical insulation than nickel or chrome plating allowing greater resistance to welding pellets.
Las cualidades de la resina epoxi garantizan un mejor revestimiento en zonas ocultas o interiores. I.e. the “Faraday effect” is minimized compared to nickel or chrome plating.
A color-painted finish is more visible in the workplace. This reduces the incidence of loss and can reduce the risk of injury.
Unique user of EPOXY resin on Locking Pliers & C-Clamps manufacturing.
Wholest Locking Pliers and Steel Clamps range
ViseBrench of Hands-Free Concept for Locking Pliers and Clamps
High Jaws, clamping capacity
Pliers & Clamps from 5″ to 40″ size.
Using epoxy paint helps distinguish the tools on the marketplace and allows for a customized finish by using corporate colors.
Nickel vs. Epoxy
Grip-on manufactures the widest and most modern range of locking pliers & clamps worldwide.
Continually producing top quality and innovative tools to meet the growing demand of Welding, Metal Work, Maintenance, Pipe, Auto Mechanics, Auto Body, DIY, Woodwork, Retail and Multi-use.